Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha


"Zora of Tiburon" was a scientist known for her cruel and inhumane experiments on humanoid subjects, to test the body chemistry of subject tribes.

In 2269, an image of Dr. Zora was created by the Excalbians in a plot devised to better understand the concepts of "good" and "evil", with Zora representing "evil". (TOS: "The Savage Curtain")

Zora's appearance has little resemblance to the other Tiburons that we have seen, suggesting that she may be of another race. However, given that we have never seen a female Tiburon, it is possible that she is indeed a Tiburon and that sexual dimorphism in Tiburons may differ much more than seen in most humanoids. She could also have been wearing some form of makeup.
Zora was played by actress/stuntwoman Carol Daniels DeMent.