Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The Vulcan language is spoken by the Vulcans of the planet Vulcan.

Written language


Six variations on the Vulcan script

The Vulcan written language has several different forms, some of which combine with each other.

The primary version resembles terrestrial musical notes and is written in vertical columns running top-to-bottom, left-to-the right. The primary Vulcan script consists of a central staff, along which, spirals, long and short dashes and dots are written (ENT: The Seventh, Kir'Shara). A more stylized version of this script appears on the Promenade of Deep Space 9.

A second writing system seems to consist of simple squiggles, spirals and dots and can be used separately or in tandem with the primary script. A sequence of several symbols from this script appears on many forms of Vulcan clothing. This script is also written vertically. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, ENT: Breaking the Ice, Fusion, et al.)

A third cuneiform like script appears on Vulcan starship hulls and in some Vulcan homes and temples. This script appears to run left-to-right like English. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture, TNG: Unification II)

Examples of spoken language

Stop! or Enough!
It was used by T'Pau during Spock's Koon-ut-kal-if-fee on Vulcan in 2267. (TOS: "Amok Time")

Gishen worla eerk-banol.

He's never what I expect.


Marriage or challenge

Dif tor heh smusma

Live long and prosper

Wak wi-at wik bot, oot-lan?

What surprises you, lieutenant?

Ishk-veng ni... koomihn.

He's so... human.

Kling-off lami bof-ik, Saavik-kam.

Nobody's perfect, Saavik.

(Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)

Fool, and a name (ENT: "Kir'Shara")
Ponfo miran
Go to hell. (ENT: "Broken Bow")

Examples of spoken language (untranslated)

Tiar marra! (may be offensive)

T'Pol said this repeatedly while she was going through pon farr. (ENT: "Bounty")

Examples of spoken language (non-canon)

He' elef ka hij.

Oh yes you do." McCoy to Spock ("Spock's World")

Other references

Additional References

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