Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha


TPols one year toast

T'Pol's one-year toast.

A toast is someone or something in honor of which people usually have a drink, or the act of indicating that honor.

The Human act of toasting consists of three parts: The verbal toast, the agreement, and the symbolic drink. In the verbal part, one person states a reason for the toast. Everyone else present signifies agreement by lifting their drinks into the air, often accompanied by shouted or murmured sounds of agreement, either repeating the toast word ("Cheers!") or confirming the sentiment with terms such as "Hear! Hear!", and often followed by touching one's drinkware (glass or mug) against those of everyone else within reach. The symbolic drink is simply a matter of imbibing some of the drink, usually alcoholic, to confirm the agreement.


In 2152, T'Pol, Captain Archer, and Commander Tucker toasted to T'Pol having served one year to the day on the Enterprise, longer than any Vulcan had ever served on a Human ship. (ENT: "Carbon Creek")

In 2367, Captain Picard poured two glasses of Chateau Picard and offered a toast to Chancellor Durken after initiating first contact with the Malcorians. (TNG: "First Contact")

In 2375, Kai Winn Adami toasted Dukat (who was posing as Anjohl Tennan) with a poisoned drink as a sacrifice for the Pah-wraiths. (DS9: "What You Leave Behind")

In 2378, the senior staff of the USS Voyager toasted to their long journey and accomplishments through the Delta Quadrant after the future Admiral Kathryn Janeway had arrived onboard. (VOY: "Endgame")

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