Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

AT: "xx"

For additional meanings of "Titan", please see Titan.

Titan was a major natural satellite in the Saturnian system. This spheroid-shaped body was the largest of the Saturnian moons, and the largest moon in the Sol system. The dense atmosphere of Titan, which was toxic for Humans, was used for exceptional starship maneuvers. (ENT: "Strange New World", Star Trek, TNG: "Chain of Command, Part II")


In the 2140s, while on Titan as part of the Omega training mission with Captain Jonathan Archer, Trip Tucker encountered problems while on an extra vehicular (EV) exercise. His EV pack froze up and he experienced nitrogen narcosis. However, Archer was able to convince Trip not to remove his helmet while still unsheltered on Titan's surface. (ENT: "Strange New World")

In 2258, in the alternate reality, the crew of the USS Enterprise used the conditions on Saturn and Titan to help hide their ship from the sensors of the Narada. (Star Trek)

In the 24th century, Titan was a major navigational reference within Saturn's planetary system. Nova Squadron used Titan as a rendezvous point before beginning training maneuvers during preparations for Starfleet Academy's commencement exercises in 2368. (TNG: "The First Duty")

Titan was also a favored way point for pilots making the Jovian Run. A dangerous shuttlecraft maneuver sometimes performed by Starfleet pilots on this run was called Titan's Turn. (TNG: "Chain of Command, Part II")


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