Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Is it possible the actor playing Mike is Tom Curtis, who provided the voice of Captain Jon Daily in The Conscience of the King? 19:13, February 28, 2010 (UTC) Queen Griddle

I would say no. Not if you compare the picture here with Corrigan. – Tom 19:37, February 28, 2010 (UTC)

The article states that Mike is wearing the "Enterprise insignia," but in fact he's wearing the Starship Duty Insignia. All of these guys in the M-11 Starbase Club are assigned to starship(s) other than the Enterprise, and they -- correctly -- wear the standard Starfleet emblem for starship service.

Many of us, myself included, believed for years that every starship had its own patch, but this turns out to be demonstrably incorrect. A 1967 memo from none other than Robert Justman, in consultation with and speaking for Roddenberry, corrects Bill Theiss on his Exeter crew costuming error in The Omega Glory (a mistake that thankfully was not repeated), and makes it clear that all regular duty personnel on all Starships wear the same delta patch as Our Heroes.

It can be a really hard thing to consider the evidence that something we've believed for decades turns out to be not true, and some will no doubt be thinking of objections from other episodes (involving flag officers, starbase personnel, and so on). The following article presents the original Justman memo and walks through most (all?) of those examples. 13:15, April 23, 2020 (UTC)
