Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Starfleet Research & Development (or Starfleet Research) is a division of Starfleet. (TNG: "The Offspring")

Starfleet R&D was only once mentioned in dialogue, but seen on several different times on dedication plaques.
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USS Brattain (NCC-21166)

Captain Mandy Chamberlin was noted for his work with Research & Development on the USS Brattain on stardate 22519.5. (TNG: "Night Terrors")

USS Phoenix (NCC-65420)

Captain Dan Curry was noted for his work with Research & Development on the USS Phoenix on stardate 40250.5. (TNG: "The Wounded")

USS Sutherland (NCC-72015)

Captain Dan Curry was noted for his work with Research & Development on the USS Sutherland on stardate 44820.5. He was previously noted for his work on the USS Phoenix. (TNG: "Redemption, Part II")

USS Defiant (NX-74205)

The following personnel were noted for their work with Research & Development on the USS Defiant on stardate 47538.5. (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)

USS Voyager (NCC-74656)

The following personnel were noted for their work with Research & Development on the USS Voyager on stardate 48038.5. (Star Trek: Voyager)

USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E)

The following personnel were noted for their work with Research & Development on the USS Enterprise-E on stardate 49827.5. (Star Trek: First Contact)

USS Prometheus (NX-74913)

The following personnel were noted for their work with Research & Development on the USS Prometheus on stardate 50749.5. (VOY: "Message in a Bottle")

  • Captain Marvin Rush (previously worked on the USS Voyager)
  • Captain Bill Peets (previously worked on the USS Voyager)
  • Alan Bernard (previously worked on the USS Voyager)
  • Captain Dick Brownfield (previously worked on the USS Voyager)
  • Mark Stimson

USS São Paulo (NCC-75633)

The following personnel were noted for their work with Research & Development on the USS São Paulo on stardate 52889.3. (DS9: "The Dogs of War")

  • Jonathan West (previously worked on the USS Defiant)
  • Chris Krosskove (previously worked on the USS Defiant)
  • Tim Roller (previously worked on the USS Defiant)
  • Bill Gocke (previously worked on the USS Defiant)
  • Gary Monak (previously worked on the USS Defiant)
  • Jim Unsinn (previously worked on the USS Defiant)
  • Terry Ahern (previously worked on the USS Defiant)
  • Dave DeGaetano (previously worked on the USS Defiant)