Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Starbase 153 was the Federation facility from which special Federation Emissary K'Ehleyr was launched, inside of a modified class-8 probe, for a critical rendezvous with the USS Enterprise-D in 2365. (TNG: "The Emissary")

In 2374, Starbase 153 appeared on a casualty report on Deep Space 9, listing the loss of multiple crew members during the Dominion War. (DS9: "In the Pale Moonlight")

Personnel listed

Since many of the crewpeople were also listed with different status on other stations and starships, it seem likely they mightn't be assigned to this base, but this was where their paperwork ended up getting filed.
  • Rick Bittle (KIA)
  • Margaret Clark (MIA)
  • Barbara Covington (MIA)
  • Curt Danhauser (WIA)
  • Laura Derr (KIA)
  • Dorothy Duder (KIA)
  • Russ English (KIA)
  • Terry Erdmann (KIA)
  • Ann Flood (KIA)
  • John Fredrickson (KIA)
  • Alice Ginsburg (MIA)
  • Kurt Hansen (MIA)
  • Teri Hansen (WIA)
  • Matata Kimya (KIA)