Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Certain authorities impose speed limits in certain locations, limiting the warp factor at which starships can transit the area.

The Hekaran scientist Serova opened a subspace rift in the Hekaran sector in 2370, demonstrating that conventional warp engines caused damage to the fabric of spacetime. The Federation Council imposed a speed restriction of warp factor 5 on all Federation vessels in all but extreme emergencies. (TNG: "Force of Nature")

In 2378, The Doctor, disguised as Kathryn Janeway, informed the crew that hostile aliens had imposed a complete restriction on the type of warp drive used on USS Voyager and ordered the warp core ejected, in an attempt to exchange it for Janeway's freedom. (VOY: "Renaissance Man")

Known regions of space where warp speeds were physically limited by local subspace effects include the Hekaras Corridor and the Lantaru sector. (VOY: "The Omega Directive")

According to the unpublished VOY Season 1 edition of the Star Trek: Voyager Technical Guide, by Rick Sternbach and Michael Okuda, it was suggested that because of the variable geometry pylons used on Voyager, the generated warp fields might no longer have a negative impact on habitable worlds as established in "Force of Nature".