Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
File:Starfleet spatial charge, Dark frontier.jpg

24th century Starfleet spatial charge

File:Spatial charges, First flight 1.jpg

22nd century spatial charges fired by a shuttlepod

File:Malon spatial charges, Night.jpg

Malon spatial charges exploding

Spatial charges were ship-mounted projectile weapons and explosive devices carried by personnel. This technology has been used by MACOs, Starfleet and the Malon. As projectile weapons, spatial charges were designed to explode at a certain distance from the target. They could be fired at targets, planted into objects or layed out as mines. Spatial charges fired into subspace are also known as subspatial charges.


In 2153, Charles Tucker modified six spatial charges, rigged to spread metreon particles upon detonation, to excite dark matter up to five hundred kilometers from the explosion. The charges were fired as torpedoes from the plasma cannons of a shuttlepod. (ENT: "First Flight")

Later that year, the MACOs employed spatial charges against planet-based installations, in which the charges' effects can be focused with blast suppressors placed on the surface. Major Hayes wanted to use two spatial charges to destroy a kemocite mining facility on a Xindi-Arboreal colony, though he was overruled by Captain Jonathan Archer. (ENT: "The Shipment")

The USS Voyager deployed spatial charges like mines in a battle against the Kazon in 2372. (VOY: "Relativity")

Malon export vessel, eleventh gradients are armed with spatial charges. (VOY: "Night")

The crew of the Voyager used spatial charges to disable the primary shield generator of a Borg sphere in 2375, as part of Operation Fort Knox, their plan to steal a Borg transwarp coil. (VOY: "Dark Frontier")

Later that year, the Voyager crew planted spatial charges in a debris field to disable a Hazari vessel. They also used subspatial charges to force the Think Tank vessel out of subspace. (VOY: "Think Tank")

See also
