Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Slang is the use of colorful words, derrived from regional or time specific terminology, used in place of more formal words.

Many time frames and cultures have their on unique slang. For example, during the 20th century on Earth, several cultural movements had their own slang terminology. Starfleet officers who were involved in instances of time travel or other alien contact were sometimes subjected to a degree of social ineptness due to the confusion caused by the usage of slang.

Also see: Nicknames

Variations of slang

The Iotian culture developed on Sigma Iotia II built its society based on the novel Chicago Mobs of the Twenties. Therefore, the Iotians used many slang terms that were originally popular during the 1920s on Earth. (TOS: "A Piece of the Action")

Likewise, the holodeck program Bashir 62, used a lot of early 1960s slang. (DS9: "His Way", et al.)

The following uses of slang may extend beyond the timeframe indicated. For sake of convenience, they are listed in the timeframe from which they were specifically used. When applicable, the usage of the term may be found below in italics.

20th century Earth slang


  • "Cement overshoes": A self-defining gangster term describing a method of drowning someone.


  • "Pinko": an individual who only mildly supports the ideas of socialism or communism.
  • "Red": an individal who more actively supports the ideas of socialism or communism.
  • "Nigger"
  • "Tater": a "home run" in the game of baseball



  • "Cool"
  • "Freakasaurus"

21st century Earth slang


22nd century slang

23rd century slang

Iotian (suppliment to 1920s slang)

"You mind your place, mister, or you'll be wearing concrete galoshes."

Miri's planet


  • "Dunsel":
  • "Nova": Lt. Mitchell once called a woman he met on Deneb IV: "Yeah, she was nova that one."


24th century slang

