Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
File:St mere anarchy 3 shadows of the indignant.jpg
Author: Dave Galanter
Publisher: Pocket Books
Series: TOS Mere Anarchy
Published: October 2006
Pages: unknown
Year: Unknown
Stardate: Unknown
Reference #: ISBN 1416534539

Mere Anarchy

A new six-part epic covering thirty years of Star Trek history, continuing with an adventure that takes place after the historic five-year mission!

Book 3: Shadows of the Indignant


From the publisher
As Admiral James T. Kirk adjusts to life at Starfleet Operations on Earth, he discovers some shipping irregularities centered around Mestiko. Authorized to go on a fact-finding tour to the planet, Kirk takes along his old friend Dr. McCoy, now a civilian "old country doctor," to investigate.
What Kirk finds is a web of intrigue, complicated by his status as Dinpayav, an outsider. He must convince Raya elMora -- now a major player in the ad hoc world government of Mestiko in the years following the disaster -- to help him before Mestiko becomes the pawn of someone else's political game....

Excerpts of copyrighted sources are included for review purposes only, without any intention of infringement.

Background Information

Previous novel:
The Centre Cannot Hold
Pocket TOS Mere Anarchy
Next novel:
The Darkness Drops Again