Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Russia is a former nation-state on Earth, which spanned a large area of Europe and Asia. In 1917, the ruler of the country, the Tsar, was overthrown and replaced by a communist government under Vladimir Lenin. Communism in the country lasted until the 1990s when the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics collapsed and was replaced by a democratic goverment. (VOY: "Future's End, Part II")

Pavel Chekov was born in Russia in 2245. Irina Galliulin, with whom Chekov was romantically involved, was also of Russian descent.

In an alternate timeline, Vladimir Lenin was murdered in 1916. As a result, the Communist revolution never took place. The Nazi invasion of the country in World War II was more successful than in the original timeline, succeeding in reaching and overrunning Moscow. (ENT: "Storm Front, Part II")


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