Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha


You may be looking for the unrelated DS9 episode , "Rules of Engagement".

Kirk squares off against the Klingons - in a battle he cannot win!


From the book jacket
A sudden revolution on the planet Dekkanar brings Captain Kirk and the U.S.S. USS Enterprise running to evacuate Federation personnel trapped there. But their orders from Starfleet are quite clear; the U.S.S. Enterprise is to assist in the evacuation, no more. No weapons are to be displayed, no shields raised, no shots fired.
Meanwhile, halfway across the galaxy, an experimental Klingon warship sets forth on a mission of its own, a warship with hidden -- and heretofore undreamed of -- capabilities, commanded by a warrior who will stop at nothing to bring glory to his Empire -- and restore his own lost honor.
The Klingon ship's destination? The planet Dekkanar...

Excerpts of copyrighted sources are included for review purposes only, without any intention of infringement.

Background Information


James T. Kirk
Starfleet rear admiral.
First officer of the Enterprise.
Nic Farey
Captain of Vanguard.
Gytha North
Captain of Sir Richard.
Kasak sutai-Khornezh
Klingon captain.


IKS Hakkarl (KL-1017)
Klingon K't'inga class battle cruiser, automated and conrolled from Tazhat.
USS Ivan Groznyy
USS Minsk
USS Nelson
USS Potemkin
USS Sakharov
USS Sir Richard (NCC-2382)
Captain Gytha North.
IKS Tarkan
K't'inga class cruiser.
IKS Tazhat (KL-1018)
Klingon Bird-of-Prey scout of Captain Kasak sutai-Khornezh.
USS Vanguard (NCC-2360)
Captain Nic Farey.
Previous novel:
#47: The Kobayashi Maru
Pocket TOS
Next novel:
#49: The Pandora Principle