Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Richard Bashir was married to Amsha Bashir, who, together were the parents of Julian Bashir.

Richard was a former Federation diplomat to Invernia II. (DS9: "Melora") He was also once a third-class steward on a shuttle run, a position he resigned from after a mere six months.

In 2373, Richard was involved in landscape architecture, such as designing parks and public spaces mostly. He took pride in doing such projects, because knowing that that would be enjoyed by thousands of people long after he's gone was his legacy, his gift to succeeding generations.

Richard was a bit of a dreamer with large goals that he never seemed to accomplish. He and his son were not on friendly terms, due in part to his having Julian undergo genetic engineering.

When Doctor Lewis Zimmerman discovered that Julian was genetically engineer in 2373, Richard would plead guilty of illegal genetic engineering of his son, and in exchange for allowing Julian to remain in Starfleet, he would spend two years in a minimum security penal colony in New Zealand. (DS9: "Doctor Bashir, I Presume?")

Richard Bashir was played by actor Brian George.