Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Dr. Phillip Boyce in 2254

Doctor Phillip Boyce was the chief medical officer aboard the USS Enterprise in 2254, under the command of Captain Christopher Pike.

He enjoyed martinis, to the point of having a portable martini kit. He was acerbic and a realist – "Sometimes a man will tell his bartender things he'd never tell his doctor." He sported a combover. (TOS: "The Cage")


Dr. Phillip Boyce was played by John Hoyt.

In Gene Roddenberry's original pitch for the series, Boyce is described as 51 years old, suggesting a date of birth of 2203.

The following character biography appears in The Making of Star Trek, during a time in production when Robert April was still being considered as the name of the Enterprise's captain:

Ship's Doctor: Philip Boyce, M.D., is a highly unlikely space traveler. Well into his fifties, he's worldly, humorously cynical, makes it a point to thoroughly enjoy his own weaknesses. He's also engaged in a perpetual battle of ideas and ideals with Jose. Captain April's only real confidant, "Bones" Boyce considers himself the only realist aboard, measures each new landing in terms of the annoyances it will personally create for him.

