Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha


Paramount logo

Paramount logo found at the intro of many Star Trek films

Paramount Stage 15 is located on the Paramount Pictures lot in Hollywood, California.

Stage 15 was used as early as 1978 for the production of Star Trek: The Motion Picture.

It is not widely known what sets were built on Stage 15 for The Motion Picture.

Most identafiably, however, it was used as the Genesis Planet "exterior" in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1983), and housed the bridge of the Enterprise-E in Star Trek: First Contact and Star Trek Nemesis (1996 and 2002), as well as the bridge of Ru'afo's flagship in the production of Star Trek: Insurrection (1998).

In addition to the bridge of the Enterprise, Stage 15 was also home to Admiral Janeway's office and the massive Son'a collector set. Following its use in Nemesis, the bridge was redressed to serve as the interior of the Romulan ship Valdore.

Paramount Stage 5 housed the bridge of the Enterprise-E for the production of Star Trek: Insurrection.

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