Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha


On a mission of peace, a bewitching woman sets the Starship Enterprise at war - with itself!


From the book jacket
The USS Enterprise is crippled in orbit around a dangerous, living, breathing planet, and a desperate peace mission to the Orion Arm is stalled. Captain Kirk has never needed his crew more. But a lithe, alien woman is casting a spell of pacifism – and now mutiny – over the crew.
Suddenly Kirk's journey for peace has turned into a terrifying war – to retake command of his ship!

Excerpts of copyrighted sources are included for review purposes only, without any intention of infringement.

Background Information


James T. Kirk


Mutiny; Orion Arm, USS Enterprise

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#11: The Yesterday Saga: Yesterday's Son Pocket TOS
Numbered novels
#13: The Wounded Sky
Ghost Walker (#44) Titan Books release order  A Flag Full of Stars (#46)