Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Cover image
Author(s): Mack Reynolds
Publisher: Whitman Publishing
Series: Whitman TOS
Published: 1967
Reprinted: 1996 & 1999
Pages: 210
Year: 2267
Stardate: 3475.3
Reference #: ISBN 067102812X

Plot Summary

While exploring a new star system, NGC 434, Captain Kirk and the crew of the Starship Enterprise find themselves in an adventure, from one planet to another. They enlist the help of Grang, a local from NGC 434 to guide them through the system, all while attempting to find the runaway mouse "Mickey" on the Enterprise.


NGC 400

An area of space that was until the time of this book, unexplored. The NGC 434 System otherwise known as the Horatius system contains 3 planets, all M class. The planets have been named by human colonists as "Neolithia", "Mythra" and "Bavarya". In the early days of space travel, a frieghter on a trade mission fell out of warp in the NGC 434. The crew explored and named the NGC 400 system then left. A few years later, colonists, who wished to be seperate from the Federation made a home in NGC 434.

  • Neolithia:

The home planet of Grang. Quite low on the development scale.

  • Mythra:

More developed than Neolithia. Stone age building design, but Middle age inhabitants who are Religious dissidents. They worship "The Ultimate". The high priests have been tricking the rest of the population into drinking a hallucinogen called Anodyne which made them loyal to their "god". USS Enterprise assisted the population, by cleansing the water that contained Anodyne.

  • Bavarya:

Most advanced human culture in NGC 434. Had limited Phaser technology, that was used futilely against Starship Enterprise. Bavarya was the source of many attacks against Neolithia and Mythra. Before the military’s defeat, an entire invasion of the other two planets was planned. Planet was hostile towards a landing party from Starship Enterprise, and imprisoned them, while holding arena matches with Captain Kirk, Commander Spock and Grang. Planet is listed as hostile under the Federation charter.

Guest Characters

  • Grang:

Member of Neolithia's "Wolf Clan." A young member, but not yet a Full warrior. Assited the Enterprise in exploration of Bavaraya. Was given the temporary rank of Ensign.

  • Nummer Ein:

Head offcial of the planet Bavaraya. A Doppelganger of the real man, who had died some years before this story.

  • Anna:

Daughter of Nummer Ein. Assisted Starship Enterprise landing party escape from Bavaraya. She was part of an underground movement to stop the dictatorship of Bavaraya.

Captain Kirk’s Log Entries

Captain’s Log. Stardate 3475.3. We are on a secret mission, the nature of which will not be revealed until we have reached the position NGC 400. Senior ship’s surgeon Leonard McCoy has officially put himself on record as opposed to continuing on the grounds that the personnel of the Enterprise are in no condition to remain in space.


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