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Memory Alpha
Mathematics - 23rd century equation

An example of a 23rd century equation

Quark maths

Quark teaches math

Mathematics is a field of study using signs and numbers. (ENT: "North Star") One who studies mathematics is known as a mathematician.

For a while, Kamin's son Batai wanted to be a mathematician. (TNG: "The Inner Light")

Charles Tucker commented that he would be the last to question T'Pol's mathematics. Jack wanted to study mathematics in college so that he could go into mechanical engineering. (ENT: "Carbon Creek")

Hoshi Sato stated that mathematics was just another language, as she showed skill in decrypting the locking sequence to the decontamination chamber. (ENT: "Observer Effect")

When Uhura was undergoing the process of re-educating herself, Nurse Christine Chapel commented on her progress that she "seems to have an aptitude for mathematics." (TOS: "The Changeling")

Jean-Luc Picard enjoyed trying to solve Fermat's last theorem, because to him "it puts things in perspective," clarifying that, "in our arrogance, we feel we are so advanced, and yet we cannot unravel a simple knot tied by a part-time French mathematician, working alone, without a computer." (TNG: "The Royale")

The Traveler told Wesley Crusher that in order to free his mother, Beverly Crusher, from a static warp bubble, they had to leave the equations behind and go beyond mathematics. (TNG: "Remember Me")

While playing Lucille Davenport in the holonovel Janeway Lambda one, Kathryn Janeway assured Henry Burleigh that he'll find her mathematics and sciences lessons very challenging, after he doubted she could teach him because of her incomplete knowledge of Latin. (VOY: "Learning Curve")

According to his daughter, Frola Gegen, mathematics was never one of Forra Gegen's strong points. (VOY: "Distant Origin")

The artificial intelligence member of the Think Tank was described by Kurros as having "the mind of a mathematician and the soul of an artist." (VOY: "Think Tank")

Two of Nine (real name Lansor) recalled working with mathematics and equations before he became a Borg drone. (VOY: "Survival Instinct")

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Fields of mathematics


In the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine novel The Lives of Dax, Skon is portrayed as a mathematician.

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