Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Mara (2268)

Mara was the Klingon wife of Captain Kang and science officer aboard his battle cruiser. (TOS: "Day of the Dove")

As a product of 22nd century genetic engineering, Mara was descended from Klingons affected with the Augment virus created in 2154. (ENT: "Divergence")

In 2268, Mara was part of the Klingon crew and Starfleet crewmembers aboard the USS Enterprise that while under the mind control of an unknown alien entity were fighting a no win battle. She was very worried that she would be tortured by the Starfleet crew. She assisted Captain Kirk in negotiating a peaceful end to the conflict by taking him to Kang and supporting Kirk's theory that an alien was controlling both forces. (TOS: "Day of the Dove")

Mara was the first appearance of a Klingon female and was played by actress Susan Howard. Although the reference was never mentioned on screen, it is very possible that Mara was the mother of Dax, son of Kang, from DS9: "Blood Oath".
The name Mara has negative connotations in many cultures and languages; in Hebrew and Aramaic it means bitterness, in Sanskrit and Pandi it means death-bringing or destroying, and it is associated with nightmares and horror is numerous European folklores.