Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Name: Lithium
Symbol: Li
Atomic number: 3
Atomic weight: 6.941
Melting point: 180.54° C
Boiling point: 1331.85° C
Specific gravity:
A cracked lithium crystal.

Lithium is a chemical element, number 3 on the periodic table. It the lightest alkali metal on the table, with an atomic weight of 6.941 units (1 unit roughly equals the weight of a proton or neutron).

A special crystal form of this element has a structure resembling quartz and was considered sufficient for use in early warp cores. (TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before", TOS: "Mudd's Women")

However, dilithium, a derivative of lithium, is now the standard in all warp technology.

Lithium was used to build computer chips before isolinear components were invented.

Lithium was originally used as the basis of warp technology. However, lithium is a real element with known properties. Dilithium was invented to allow for a fuel material with unknown properties.

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