Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Joret Dal

Joret Dal

Joret Dal was a Cardassian military officer and a Federation operative. In 2370, he was rescued from an escape pod by the crew of the Enterprise-D. He risked his life to contact the Enterprise to provide information about Cardassian miltary movements. These movements threatened Bajor and other nearby planets. This information he provided would help strengthen the security of Bajor. He did not consider himself a traitor, but rather a patriot. He had served in the miltary all his life, only to see the miltary turn from protecting Cardassia, to try to rule it. He believed that Cardassia was being led down the path to destruction.

In order to return home, he needed to make it appear as if he were a bounty hunter on the run from Starfleet. He planned on pretending that he stole a shuttle and had captured a Bajoran terrorist. He was given the shuttlecraft Curie and was temporarily accompanied by the Bajoran Ensign Sito Jaxa, who posed as his prisoner. Although Dal safely returned to Cardassian territory, Sito was believed killed as she attempted to return to the Enterprise. (TNG: "Lower Decks")

Joret Dal was played by Don Reilly.