Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Jake Kurland

Jake Kurland

Jake Kurland was a young civilian aboard the USS Enterprise-D in 2364. Although a civlian teenager, he trained aboard the ship as a shuttle pilot, likely as part of his attempt to make it into Starfleet Academy. He missed out on getting the chance to take the final Starfleet Academy entrance exam by only 32 points, and as result became somewhat depressed. He took a shuttle without authorization, intending to join a freighter on Beltane IX and asked Captain Picard to tell his father he's sorry but had to do this. However, the shuttle got into difficulties, and Kurland was almost killed. He returned to the Enterprise-D, where he received a refresher course in discipline from Commander William T. Riker. (TNG: "Coming of Age")

Jake Kurland was played by Stephen Gregory. The script describes him as "eighteen, dark-haired and intense".