Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

A member of the Hierarchy species

The Hierarchy species were a species from the a region of space near the Beta-Delta Quadrant border that controlled the Hierarchy. The true name of this species is unknown to the Federation.

Physically the species is humanoid with dull brown skin, and few distinguishing features - hairless, and with few noticeable facial features, it is almost impossible for other species to distinguish between individuals of this race.

They use surveillance on passing ships for future raids. This is done by special surveillance ships, hiding in Nebulae for example, who use sensors to assess the tactical risk of attacking passing vessels and the available loot. They use cloaked ships to sneak up on vessels. They have several different attack patterns, at least the patterns Stealth approach 1 through 4, which use increasing amounts of energy. The Hierarchy is meticulous when it comes to use of energy and resources on its vessels. Every planned use is to be reported and consulted with the Hierarchy, attempting maximum efficiency.

A type 3 approach involves four vessels coming up on the target cloaked, decloaking within its direct vicinity and firing a warning shot across the shields. A type 4 approach involves rotating phaser frequencies and firing the first shot a direct hit, before contacting the target and placing an ultimatum. This assault drains significantly more energy, and is only used under extenuating circumstances. A type 3 approach was planned to attack the Federation starship USS Voyager, but when short range scans conflicted with long range recon, a type 4 approach was used. However, the ships eventually withdrew in fear of the photonic cannon, an imaginary weapon of the Doctor's design. (VOY:"Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy")

The Hierarchy itself is regularly consulted by crew of its ships using a special communication system. The current situation is detailed on a sort of pad, then entered in a slot next to a display, which is cylindrical in form. After a few moments, rectangle colored lights appear on the display to indicate the Hierarchy's decision. Judging by the response time, the Hierarchy is either extremely well organised, or a limited number of people have to consent, or it involves a computer system.

The social and working ethics differ dramatically from Starfleet, in that every crew member has one duty and work station, hardly any social contacts and limited access to the ship. Some members of The Hierarchy have been known to leave their territory and explore other areas of space. (VOY:"Renaissance Man")

