Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The Haakonians are a warp capable, humanoid race found in the Delta Quadrant. Their government is called the Haakonian Order.

Physically, they are tall and pale skinned and, like most races, are susceptable to metreon poisoning.

The only known Federation encounter with the Haakonians was made by the USS Voyager in 2371. When the Haakonian scientist Ma'bor Jetrel came aboard Voyager seeking Neelix. Jetrel had been involved in a war with the Talaxians some decades previously and had developed the Metreon Cascade, a weapon that caused such devastation that it instantly ended the war.

Although ostensibly seeking to cure a side-effect of the cascade, Jetrel was actually trying to reverse its original effects. Sadly he died before his work could be completed. (VGR: Jetrel")
