Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Reduced Power Mode refers to a series of operational controls used to budget a starship's energy resources during a time of crisis. It allows for maximum power conservation, while still maintaining an operating status. Reduced Power Mode can be invoked during a massive fuel shortage, or when the tactical situation requires a reduction in discretionary energy usage.

A number of ship systems are either reduced to a lower operating status, or shutdown completely, including:

The recycling of non-essential items, which can be broken down into raw matter patterns by the replicator, is commonly practiced. Preserving the replicator for usage only during critical situations (such as replicating repair tools, medicine, etc.) can help extend the energy resources of the ship.

During the year-long temporal conflict with the Krenim Imperium, the USS Voyager entered a Reduced Power Mode. (VOY: "Year of Hell, Part I", "Year of Hell, Part II")

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