Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

AT: "xx"

Benjamin Maxwells tactical monitor

The location of Gamma Hydra on a tactical situation monitor

Tactical Intelligence Analysis

The location of Gamma Hydra on a tactical intelligence analysis

Gamma Hydra was the primary of the uninhabited Gamma Hydra system located in the Alpha Quadrant. A planet in this system, Gamma Hydra IV, was the site of a Federation experimental colony in the mid-23rd century. This system was located in the Gamma Hydra sector, which was proximal to both the Romulan, and the Klingon Neutral Zone, as well as Starbase 10 and Outpost 4. (TOS: "The Deadly Years"; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; TNG: "The Defector", "The Wounded", display graphic)

In the Kobayashi Maru training scenario with Lieutenant Saavik, the USS Enterprise had entered into Section 14 when the ship received a distress call from the Kobayashi Maru which was in Section 10. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)

In 2367, the star appeared on a chart in Captain Benjamin Maxwell's ready room on the USS Phoenix. (TNG: "The Wounded", display graphic)

In an alternate timeline, in 2366, Gamma Hydra was mentioned on a tactical display seen in the observation lounge, showing the Klingon progress in their war with the Federation. (TNG: "Yesterday's Enterprise" display graphic)

The tactical situation map depicted an area of space in the Alpha Quadrant. The locations Eminiar, Janus VI, Rigel, Andor, Babel, and Delta Vega were identified on "The Explored Galaxy" wall chart as being located in this quadrant.
Gamma Hydra was a Class G star. It had a magnitude of -1, which was 100 times brighter than Sol. (Star Trek: Star Charts, page 56)

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