Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
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I just saw this episode again and one thing bugged me, how can a Starfleet Admiral or any military leader take a daughter away from her father? if Data was a bad father I can see the Government (the United Federation of Planets, or if Data calles Earth home the United Earth Government) stepping in (akin to today with child welfare laws) but the military had no right to do this, is the Admiral part of section 31? I know it was never stated in the episode, but was there any non-cannon books that cleared this up? 15:40, December 24, 2012 (UTC)

First, it's "canon", not "cannon". The admiral was essentially claiming Data was not a good father by saying Lal would develop better with cybernetics experts and not Data. I'm not aware of any books that discuss this issue, and Memory Beta (the licensed products wiki) only mentions his appearance in the episode. 31dot (talk) 16:05, December 24, 2012 (UTC)