Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Forums ForumsTen Forward → Mediawiki upgrade issues (replywatch)
  • Cascading protection is still not functioning properly. The main page has only protection from anonymous editing, yet every page linked is still fully protected.
  • Several new CSS rules needed:
    • Watchlist add/remove (a message that appears over the page after the user clicks watch/unwatch)
    • Message for users who add a link, but are not logged in (log out, add an external link while editing a page)
    • Extra image data on image pages (image pages with extended data, but I can't find one now)
    • Images missing the frame around the size and resoution info (any image page)
    • The "Changes newer than XX seconds may not be shown in this list." warning on the RC is unreadable.

Ill add to the list as I find them. --Bp 00:18, 13 February 2008 (UTC)

Think I've solved the "Changes newer..." issue - can't tell for certain until it pops up on the screen. As for the others, more details might be helpful, as in where exactly these CSS issues are - example pages, and where on the page it is, so I can pinpoint the code line.
Can't seem to find a CSS code line for the watchlist add/remove - I know the MW page, but changing that doesn't affect it in the right way. -- Michael Warren | Talk 11:20, 13 February 2008 (UTC)
Added some hints. It is not possible to directly link an example. --Bp 15:44, 13 February 2008 (UTC)
OK, let's see -
  • watchlist already mentioned above - there is no obvious piece of code in the main CSS. The actual act of watching/unwatching appears to involve javascript, and I can't see anything in the .js files I can access to indicate the specific CSS code (I tried some things in my personal CSS before, without success). That may need staff help.
  • Extended image details - Is it that part of the table appears with a white background which makes the text vanish? I pointed out that error to Sulfur the other day, which was fixed. If not, what is the specific issue?
  • Frame around the size and resolution info - do you mean directly beneath the image? If so, any frame would also encompass the image itself, since it all falls under the same piece of code.
  • I shall log out and look at the external link thing now - is that after you click "save page" or does preview work as well? Follow-up: which box is it? The one that appears and says "Have you forgotten to log in?" or the captcha box, which doesn't appear to have any display problems when I looked. -- Michael Warren | Talk 16:01, 13 February 2008 (UTC)