Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

A viewscreen image of fluidic space

Fluidic space is a realm located outside the Milky Way Galaxy, consisting entirely of matter in a fluid state, rather than a vacuum; accessible only through the creation of an interdimensional rift using quantum singularities. The fluidic realm has no stars or planets, and the only lifeform known to exist there is Species 8472.

In 2373, the Borg discovered the existence of fluidic space, and launched an invasion of the realm, with the intention of assimilating all lifeforms within. This initial attack was easily driven off by Species 8472, precipitating a full-scale war. The USS Voyager was later forced into fluidic space, where it engaged Species 8472 with modified nanoprobe weaponry. (VOY: "Scorpion", "Scorpion, Part II")


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