Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Eugenics was a philosophy or practice of extremely selective breeding, which bred very specific traits into or out of a group of organisms. While widely-used in botany and horticulture, eugenics via genetic engineering in sentient lifeforms was illegal in the Federation, except in cases of medical necessity. (DS9: "Doctor Bashir, I Presume"; VOY: "Lineage")

In the 1st millennium BC, there was a mass eugenics program on the planet Sahndara. Individuals were bred for contemplation, self-reliance, and longevity. The number of individuals generated by the program was pared down to thirty-eight. This group was later discovered by the USS Enterprise in 2268 on the planet Platonius. (TOS: "Plato's Stepchildren")

In the mid-twentieth century, Human scientists on Earth used eugenics programs to attempt to improve the Human species. The recipients of these modifications, known as Augments, seized control in over forty nations. They fought amongst each other in what became known as the Eugenics Wars. (TOS: "Space Seed"; ENT: "The Augments")

Kodos used his own personal theory of eugenics when killing 4,000 people on Tarsus IV in 2246. (TOS: "The Conscience of the King")

In 2266, Captain James T. Kirk accused Doctor Roger Korby of practicing eugenics when Korby explained his wish to selectively replace Humans with superior capacity androids. (TOS: "What Are Little Girls Made Of?")

The Dominion used selective breeding on the Jem'Hadar and the Vorta. (DS9: "Favor the Bold", "Treachery, Faith and the Great River")

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