Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Saturn mission patch

"First To Saturn", Christopher, Fontana, O'Herlihy

The Earth-Saturn probe was a manned mission from Earth to Saturn that took place in the early 21st century.

The expedition was led by Colonel Shaun Geoffrey Christopher; other crew members include Fontana and O'Herlihy.

Colonel Christopher was the reason the USS Enterprise had to find a way to return Captain John Christopher to Earth, after they accidentally intercepted him in 1969. Had they not done so, there would have been no Shaun Geoffrey Christopher, and the future would have been changed unpredictably. (TOS: "Tomorrow is Yesterday")

The mission patch was among others displayed in the 602 Club. (ENT: "First Flight")

Fontana and O'Herlihy are named after writer D.C. Fontana and director Michael O'Herlihy of "Tomorrow is Yesterday".