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Template:Realworld Don McDougall (born 1917) is an American television director. McDougall directed the the original Star Trek series episode "The Squire of Gothos".

In addition to his sole Star Trek episode, McDougall directed numerous episodes of other television shows like Wanted: Dead or Alive, Rawhide, Bonanza, Ironside, and Mannix. He has also directed for shows such as The Rifleman, Mission: Impossible, Kolchak: The Night Stalker, The Dukes of Hazzard, and Wonder Woman.

He has directed the three main stars of Star Trek in non-Star Trek productions. He directed Leonard Nimoy in a 1965 episode of The Virginian (also featuring TOS guest actors Michael Ansara and Hal Baylor) and directed William Shatner in two episodes of Barbary Coast in 1975. It is DeForest Kelley, however, with whom he has worked the most, having worked with the actor numerous times in the late 1950s. He directed Kelley in several episodes of the CBS western series Trackdown (including one with Susan Oliver), as well as a 1957 episode of Alcoa Theatre, a 1958 episode of Bonanza, and a 1959 episode of Wanted: Dead or Alive. Other regular Trek actors he has directed include Diana Muldaur (in an episode of Mannix) and Michael Dorn (on CHiPs).

The Social Security Death Index lists a Donald McDougall, born 28 September 1917, as having died on 7 February 1991. It has not yet been verified if this is the same McDougall or if they coincidently share the same name and birth year.

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  • Template:IMDb-link