Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Chief Daniels was an operations division Starfleet transporter technician assigned to the USS Enterprise-D under Captain Jean-Luc Picard during the late 2360s.

In 2369, Ensign Daniels was assigned to the transporter room where she beamed Ambassador Ves Alkar and his "mother" Sev Maylor aboard from the Dorian.

Daniels was later responsible for beaming Alkar, Jarth and Liva down to Rekag-Seronia when Deanna Troi entered the transporter room with a knife and lunged towards Alkar. When Captain Jean-Luc Picard tried to intervene, Troi knocked him down and Daniels ran over from the transporter console, where she was able to restrain Troi and pull her off of Picard. (TNG: "Man of the People")

Daniels, who was played by an unknown actress, was not referred to by name in the episode, but instead was described in the script.