Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Counselors office

The counselor's office

Counselors office, top view

A top view of the office

The counselor's office is the workplace of a ship's counselor aboard Federation starships, which included the USS Enterprise-D.

Deanna Troi's counselor's office featured subdued green and purple colors. It was equipped with several small tables and chairs as well as the obligatory psychologist's couch.

In early 2366, Devinoni Ral visited Counselor Troi in her office, where he then invited her to dinner. (TNG: "The Price")

Ensign Janet Brooks had regular appointments with Deanna Troi in her office after her husband, Marc Brooks, died in late 2366. Troi kept a music box, the only memento of Marc Brooks, in a small locker in her office and gave it to Ensign Brooks five months after Marc's death, the day before his birthday. (TNG: "The Loss")

Data visited Counselor Troi in her office asking her questions about a relationship with Jenna D'Sora. (TNG: "In Theory")

The counselor's office was first seen in TNG: "The Icarus Factor". It was like the transporter room built on Paramount Stage 9.

