Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Chrono deflector

A Chrono deflector

The chrono deflector was a device built to manipulate the spacetime continuum. Although it was capable of allowing someone to travel through time, it produced a great deal of tachyon radiation, making its use lethal to anyone who hadn't been inoculated with chronexaline. Further, the tachyon radiation levels meant that the device was very likely to burn itself out after one trip. (VOY: "Endgame")

In an alternate timeline, Korath had invented this device on or before 2404. Admiral Kathryn Janeway planned use the device to correct what she felt was her greatest error, that is not taking Voyager into the Borg transwarp network in 2378. She arranged to get Korath onto the Klingon High Council as payment for the deflector, but evtually had to steal the device when Korath also demanded as payment her shuttlecraft's shield generator. With the help of then Captain Harry Kim, Janeway installed the deflector on her shuttlecraft, and successfully traveled back in time to the year 2378. (VOY: "Endgame")
