Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Chokuzan commander

A Chokuzan Commander

The Chokuzan may be a humanoid species native to the Delta Quadrant, however, they may be a fictional race created by Q.

In 2377, while Q, Jr. was under Captain Janeway's care, he stole the Delta Flyer and took Icheb off through a multispacial fissure. Once they exited it, far from Voyager, they were hailed by a Chokuzan warship, who ordered them to surrender their vessel, as they were in their space. The Chokuzan fired a weapon that injured Icheb with omicron radiation, and the Delta Flyer returned to Voyager.

Later, when Captain Janeway and Junior returned to the Chokuzan ship, the commander revealed himself to be Q, and he was just testing his son's response. (VOY: "Q2")

It is not stated whether the Chokuzan are a real species or not.