Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Bajor sector map

A map of the Bajor sector showing the location of Klingon mines in 2372.

The Bajor Sector is a sector in the Alpha Quadrant containing the Bajor system, the Federation space station Deep Space 9 and Starfleet's Antares Ship Yards.

In the mirror universe, Terok Nor was the center of authority for the sector. (DS9: "Crossover")

The Klingon Empire attempted to place a minefield around the sector in 2372, but their plan was stopped after Worf and Kurn obtained the detonation codes. (DS9: "Sons of Mogh")

In 2375, while he was posing as Wendell Greer, Luther Sloan told Julian Bashir he had many questions about the sector, such as its navigational anomalies and transport patterns. (DS9: "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges")


The Star Trek: Star Charts states that the Bajor star system is located 5.25 light years from the Cardassia system. Both systems also appear to be in the same sector.

The non-canon RPG book Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Narrator's Toolkit, published in 1999, include a chart of the area and indicates that the Bajoran sector is a cubic area (width = 85 ly ; length = 102 ly ; depth = 90 ly) that contains over a dozen of major star systems and many stellar points of interest:
