Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
This article refers to the 20th century spacecraft. For other meanings of Apollo, please see Apollo (disambiguation)
Apollo 11 library file

A library file, showing the mission patch and ship

File:Apollo 11 quadcentennial.jpg

A 2369 certificate awarded to Harry Kim.

Apollo 11 was a Human spacecraft in operation in the 20th century. The vessel was the first manned craft to land on Luna. The mission took place in July of 1969, with a crew of three: Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins.

The lunar landing took place on July 20, 1969, at Tranquility Base. (TOS: "Tomorrow is Yesterday")

A certificate was awarded to Cadet Harry Kim in 2369 while he was still at Starfleet Academy, related to the Apollo 11 quadcentennial. When temporarily given command of Medical Transport 136 (AKA: Nightingale) he felt this award was important enough to be one of the few things he brought along for his ready room, including his saxophone and his Academy diploma. (VOY: "Nightingale")

In an alternate timeline where Harry hadn't been assigned to Voyager, he also had the certificate in his office at Starfleet Command in 2372 along with his diploma. (VOY: "Non Sequitur")

In 2375, a crewman was researching the Apollo 11 mission in the Enterprise-E's library. (Star Trek: Insurrection)

The reference to Apollo 11 in "Tomorrow is Yesterday" is an oblique one - a radio report referring to the launch of the first moon landing mission on "Wednesday". Despite being written over two years prior, the reference coincidentally gives the same launch day as actually occurred, with the launch time only out by seven hours.

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